Tag Archives: mobile

Go Smart

I restarted blogging only recently.
New city, new life, new habits.
For some months I have spent little time at home, I had so much to discover.
And, to be always connected anyway, I bought my first smartphone.

As a LinkedIn addict, the first app I downloaded was LinkedIn App. No wonder.
At the very beginning it was crashing every two minutes, every time I opened a conversation, selected some text unintentionally and then scrolled. But fortunately with an update it got fixed.

What are the pros and cons of LinkedIn App?


  1. You can access from almost everywhere, and follow up while commuting.
  2. You can add connections without stating if you are friends, colleagues, et cetera. Pretty useful to avoid to say that you are a friend of somebody you never met before.
  3. You get a different feed from the normal LinkedIn site. You see different posts, different information, so it’s a different experience.
  4. You can scroll easier the notifications.


  1. You don’t have a button to share job offers. I like to share job ads with my connections, if I think they could be interesting for them.
  2. You can’t see if there is a false statement in a connection request. Somebody said you were colleagues when you weren’t, or similar things. That’s pretty annoying.
  3. You can’t unfollow discussions. Yes, sometimes after a while you want to do it.
  4. You can’t write personalised connection requests.
  5. You can’t see replies to your connection requests. Those discussions cannot be retrieved. You have to use a computer to do it.
  6. You can’t see your Sent folder.
  7. You can’t add a resume or cover letter to a job application.
  8. You can’t leave a group. For somebody who is always registered to 50 it is pretty annoying.
  9. You can’t look for long posts.
  10. Long posts are not displayed in the page of their author.
  11. You can’t leave any feedback to LinkedIn. So, whenever I face an issue, I have to write it down, and report it later from my computer.
  12. You can see only the 5 last viewers. Now you can see 15 on your computer.

I sincerely hope that LinkedIn will improve the LinkedIn App, and make it more complete. Or make an alternative app, a bit more complicated to use, but complete.
Sometimes I am indeed annoyed by the reduced possibilities of the mobile app.

What’s your experience? Do you like the mobile app? What’s better and worse in comparison to the normal site?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net